Radioactive Race War is Hazardous to Your Race.
After observing World affairs for many years and having information that government, religion and industry hide from the public, the scenario we offer for current nuclear circumstances, and especially the mining of Uranium in Australia, and use of Uranium outside of Australia, is this:
- Corporate Monopolists from many nations, and especially Russopean-dominated US and UK countries, such as uranium "rich" Australia and Canada, will continue pushing and planning for Planet Earth to be fully nuclear, fully dangerous.
- Nuclear strategists will propose certain "safeguards" that are NOT safe at all. Among these will be the "safeguard" that if nuclear materials fall into the "wrong" hands, or enraged countries attempt to stop uranium mining and nuclear proliferation, then the offending Russopean-dominated nations will develop a vast array of terrorist nuclear weapons of mass destruction (similar to those that supposedly were in Iraq, and provided a false impetus for the News' World Order to invade Iraq, to gain access to its coveted oil reserves.)
- The nuclear Russopeans of the US, UK, Australia and other dummy nations will spend, or will have spent, extremely large amounts of national budgets, talents and energies on ludicrous military nuclear projects, thereby almost completely depriving their national economies and societies of any semblance of good health, rational prosperity and natural national defence (living in Harmony with Nature). Therefore there will be nothing worth sticking up for in these societies, nothing worth defending or living for, nothing to regard as a legitimate viable life form, as a legitimate society.
- In a small window in geologic time, when offending Russopean societies try to deploy and use nuclear weapon terrorist arsenals, certain unusual objects and activities will intervene : to deter and suspend all offensive human-developed nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Perhaps this will take the form of
- Loss of electric power to offensive fascist military installations.
- Gravitational anomalies that destroy aircraft or ships.(Electric power will be drained away, or human-conceived "laws of nature" will be circumvented by Nature; and human science, religion and governmentalists will be unable to explain these miracles to the Public.)
- Mass failure of flights of missiles, military planes and related satellites used for nuclear weapon launches and observation of "enemy" forces.
- Loss of "good weather" for any nuclear or military-related activity: perhaps giant category NINE cyclones, hurricanes or typhoons; or specialised attack tornadoes, sudden extreme lightning/wind storms or massive earthquakes (Weather Underground).
- Loss of electric power to offensive fascist military installations.
- After these events, and adequate quite natural protection to the planet has taken place, to prevent any nuclear conflict from becoming a major conflagration that would severely injure Planet Earth and the majority of People, the offending Russopean countries (US, UK, Australia, Canada, France, etc.) will be completely overcome by opposing militaries in Russia, China and their allies. But this is just another step in the process.
There shall be a Giant Anti-White Race War in which each and every White Person will be killed: - Those White People first set upon and killed will be all White tourists in various locations in non-White countries. They shall be easy prey and White prayers shall not rescue them. Wherever White People are, their deaths shall be pure Hell.
- Next shall come any vulnerable undefended White People anywhere. There shall be no adequate defence for these White People because their national economies have been fully dedicated to destroying Good Health, and promoting fascist communist parasite military systems, now fully evident in drunken-minded drunken-hearted Russopean countries, full of military socialism, military communism. Their deaths shall also be pure Hell.
- All White People militaries will eventually be struck down, cold and forever dead, in Wars of Valour, to save Planet Earth from the White Evil that has arisen by White worship of Super Unnatural Nuclear Forces of the News' World Order. Caucasion People will cease to exist as a desired species anywhere, due to natural protective embedded genetic tendencies within Nature, and especially within any People who have awoken face-to-face to the extreme Danger of White People and wicked White ways.
- Any stragglers of White People shall be fully eliminated within a short period of geologic time, perhaps a few decades or centuries, as these Whites are hunted down and killed as feral rabid lunatic creatures, not worthy of living on the Planet in the post-Nuclear disaster age. Wherever they are, their deaths shall be pure Hell.
- In further centuries and millenium, any People who resemble White People shall also fall prey to Anti-White killings. Perhaps the People of India and the Arab and Iranian countries will be considered too hot to handle, too dangerous to allow to live, since they too were involved in the Russopean nuclear value system and evil magic of mad scientists.
- The extended life of People for the next ages shall rest upon the Oriental People of East Asia, and the Black People of Africa, for these shall be the civilisations in which genetic and cultural factors are most well-suited for life in a post-nuclear distant-from-White-People world.
- However, in this deprived dangerous world, even these People shall only continue for a limited time, perhaps a few ten of thousands of years : Through intense intrasocietal conflict, and blame-shifting, any People who resemble White People will be eliminated. Perhaps Black women, who in the White past would have smeared themselves with cosmetic creams to make their skin look more White, will instead always obtain and apply blackening powder, to make themselves look more Black, to avoid fraternal killings. Or Oriental People may choose any of their members, who resemble White People or who mimic White People, to be fair game for food in times of cannibalism, while trying to cling to whatever meagre life is left after the insane devastation by the human Nuclear Age.
The Nuclear World is a Never Never World :
Never Never Go Nuclear.
Never Never Trust Anything from the Nuclear Industry.
Never Never Support a Nuclear Military.
No Nukes are Good Nukes.
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